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With a little over 400 printing terms completed in 63 postings, as and when I compile some more terms, I will publish them under Misc terms. 
In the meanwhile I plan to post some articles of interest to update the knowledge of  students in printing. Some of the articles will  be short and sweet, at the same time cover important issues that will be of use to those attending interviews.  Wait for few more days to read as I have to compile them.

In the meanwhile can those who have so far read my blogger  send their views and comments to me by email to the following id so that the next series of articles can be compiled accordingly. My basic intention is to educate  students in Printing to my best of abilities.
  1. Organization and management
  2. Cost reduction- Some measures
  3. Security features used in printing world 
  4. Different types of paper used in printing
  5. Different types of inks used in printing-Security as well as Non security
  6. Different types of machines
  7. Different types of blankets
  8. Anti counterfeiting measures- Some articles

About The Author


Retired Govt of India Official. My hobby is to write articles that range from Printing technologies to Spiritual.

Terabyte Vault

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