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Cost saving security features 
to protect the documents 
(Written by : N.R.Jayaraman)

Lot  of commercial covert and over features have been in the market  to enhance the Security of the documents. They are commercially available but are too expensive for implementation by  small unit users. Therefore some cost saving solutions at the same time remain as an effective  security feature to protect the documents are discussed here.
In this direction after studying various  options and trend it is found that simple security solution by way of introducing some mechanism in the printed documents have been thought of.  All that is needed for implementing it will be the use of invisible ink combined with some gadget to read the prints to authenticate it or with normal inks which can be projected and inspected.
Basically the documents requiring security features need to be printed with some running matter – may be the theme of the product, the profile of the firm etc- with invisible inks using smaller size fonts. The above will have multiple mistakes as given in the illustrative art.
If use of invisible ink is not possible then use normal ink with the defects as shown in the illustrations below.
The mistakes should be such that they are not identifiable or copyable so easily. What is illustrated is only an example to make one understand the principle.
For example in a word like “product” printed with comic sans 8 point font  the  alphabet ‘O’ can be of some other font say Baskerville of 10 point or with Vedanta 10 Point which will look  similar to comic sans at visual look, size and shape, though the  character is actually different.
In a running matter when such deviations are printed in the base stock added with invisible inks in the normal ink, it will remain not only invisible to human eye , but can be detected only when viewed with a special gadget which is already fed with the input, or through a powerful  hand held or machine fitted magnifier to authenticate whether the document is genuine or counterfeited.  
Some of the illustrations below will give an idea how the documents can be inbuilt with security feature even with ordinary inks. Some of the letters  can also be printed with invisible inks. But it becomes two times printing- one with normal  inks and the other letters with normal inks mixed with invisible inks. But ensure that the  format is  printed with two colours in perfect register, similar to see through register system.

Can you find out any difference in the letters used ? The  enlarged  version  of the above line is  product.Only when you actually type it as above with fonts suggested below the actual effect can be noticed since the above is converted to JPEG file .  In the  above smaller printed  word  the following fonts have been used.
O is ‘Baskerville old face 9 Pt font’ while the rest of the characters ‘pr duct‘ are ‘Comic sans 8 point font’. This is only an example and you can generate one by experimenting.
See another example
Can you find out any difference in the letters used ? The  enlarged  version  of the above line is  product.  Only when you actually type it as above with fonts suggested below the actual effect can be noticed since the above is converted to JPEG file . In the  above smaller printed  word  the following fonts have been used.
 Prod  is ‘Eras Bold ITC  8 point font’ while the rest of the characters  duct are ‘Berlin  sans FB Demi 8 point font’. This is only an example and you can generate one by experimenting.
Model -3
When the product is  distributed in different zones, each zone can have the same defective fonted words as illustrated below. For example  the distribution is in four zones. How will the security features be divided? Here are some suggestions.
A -zone : In the word  ‘Product’  use ‘Pro’ with say ‘x’ font and the other -‘duct’-with another with ‘y’ font in the above illustrated manner.
B- zone : In the word  ‘Product’  use  ‘Prod’ with say ‘x’ font and the other –‘uct’- with another with ‘y’ font in the above illustrated manner.
C -zone : In the word  ‘Product’  reverse of the A zone ‘x’ and ‘y’ fonts
D- zone : In the word  ‘Product’  reverse of the B zone ‘x’ and ‘y’ fonts 
The above  is only an example and you can generate one by experimenting. 
 Use of different colors

Instead of using invisible inks it should also be possible to print the wrongly composed word into another colour similar to the one used for other text matter. For Example when the text matter is printed with Royal Blue color ink, the defective words should be printed  with a slightly different blue which can be detected when blown and seen.  But ensure that the  format is  printed with two colours in perfect register, similar to see through register system.
When you want to incorporate the feature in different colors it can also be done provided you print the matter  with 100% precision as given in the following example. This is only an example and you can generate one by experimenting.
product product product product
product product product product
product product product product
product product product product
product product product product
See the difference in the two sets of colors  in the word product

About The Author


Retired Govt of India Official. My hobby is to write articles that range from Printing technologies to Spiritual.

Terabyte Vault

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