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Useful tips for better Supervision 

  • Analyze with cool mind the important tas given to you.  First thoroughly understand what needs to be done to achieve the targeted goal and then you may workout deadlines for completing  such activities  and  assign duties accordingly to complete the process. 
  • To achieve the targets you may have to pick up the right group, even if it means consulting your higher official. You have to ensure that a highly motivated and skilled employees who are expert in such tasks  are picked up. 
  • Assign the task to the said group with clear instructions on how you desire to achieve the targeted goal.  The instruction must include the deadline specified for each step to accomplish the target.
  • Once you assign the task to other you must carefully monitor the progress and issue instruction only if you find the deadlines for each  steps are not met and the cushion given for it  also exceeded.
  • Avoid showering  favoritism to any particular person in the  group.
  • Give due respect in dealing with the employee working under you is older than you.  You can be strict to them but use language which is not offensive wounding their respect.
  • You can praise the abilities of a worker in front of others, but do not compare him with another worker who is not efficient, and continued to be present in the group.  
  • While admonishing some one  be cautious  that it is not done in front of others, particularly if the employee happens to be aged person. 
  • Avoid frequent use of  promoting ‘I’ in every work done.
  • Whenever  you hear of a new product which will  help boosting productivity, diarise them with addresses if possible. They can come handy whenever modernization takes place and  you can offer suggestion from your side.
  • In every industry there will always be objectionists who will discourage every move. It should not therefore prevent you from holding group discussions in hour of need. Ignore comments of objectionists and go with majority views, sometimes accepting even their views with reservation as the views according to the Supervisor may need to be modified. Doesn’t matter. Take the majority views as guidance for better. In industries where quality circle exist, such meetings are common.   

    About The Author


    Retired Govt of India Official. My hobby is to write articles that range from Printing technologies to Spiritual.

    Terabyte Vault

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