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sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer placerat metus id orci facilisis, in luctus eros laoreet. Mauris interdum augue varius, faucibus massa id, imperdiet tortor. Donec vel tortor molestie, hendrerit sem a, hendrerit arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin varius eros eros, non condimentum nis.

Address: 890 Lorem Ipsum Street #12
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Business Hours: 8a-6:30p M-F, 9a-2p S-S

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Know everything about Paper -5

Know everything about Paper -5 (Written by : N.R. Jayaraman)  The Paper is tested for different qualities as explained below:PHYSICAL PROPERTIES:1) The Thickness2) The weight3) Water absorption of paper Oil absorbency of paperOPTICAL PROPERTIES:1) The...

Know everything about Paper -4

Know everything about Paper -4 (Written by : N.R. Jayaraman)  6. Tear resistance: While the Tensile strength is meant to determine the point at which the paper will crack or burst, the Tear resistance is another important property for paper that is taken...

Know everything about Paper -3

Know everything about Paper -3 (Written by : N.R. Jayaraman)  Some of the important  properties of paper are : 1. GSM: Basic weight of Paper expressed in terms of Grams per Square Meter is shortly called as GSM. The GSM indicates how dense the paper is and...

Know everything about Paper -2

Know everything about Paper -2 (Written by : N.R. Jayaraman)  The Qualities and use of of some of the  varieties of paper  are: a) Writing Paper is generally made of wood or Esparto pulp and are fully sized so that the printed image or written matter...

Know everything about Paper – 1

Know everything about Paper - 1 (Written by : N.R. Jayaraman)    Making of Paper-  Brief summaryPaper is made from mainly plant fibers called cellulose, which are found in wood. The cellulose from the wood or plants are converted into pulp and processed...

How to cut down Organizational cost – 4

How to cut down Organizational cost- 4 – A Case Study-( Written by N.R. Jayaraman )In some of the areas where the activities were transferred between two sets of Supervisors, the Supervisory level was pruned and activities brought under one Supervisor so...

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