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Cadmop – 2


Principles and Objectives of supervision
Every Supervisor should have few objectives in mind while working .

  • His objective should be not only to build a successful career for himself, but also  successfully implement the objectives of the organization.
  • To guide the workers for the achievement of a specific task and ensure that the employee so assigned the task  work towards the organizational target goal.
  • To serve in the organization as efficiently as possible competing with others so as to  survive in every changed environment.
  • To have good reputation amongst the staff working around him  and earn the name ‘the best Supervisor’.
  • To compete with others showing more and more efficiency in each and every task that he undertakes.
  • At periodical intervals  conduct self analysis  to  assess whether he has completed the tasks assigned to him fairly well than the previous periods so that the shortcomings if any  noticed can be eliminated in future.
  • Enhancing his supervisory competencies.
  • Creating opportunities to improve quality added services by improving work procedures wherever necessary.
  • Making safety the top priority in the unit work site. 

Functions of the Supervisor
The general functions of the Supervisor include following activities such as:

  • Planning in the work unit and Scheduling the work:-  Work unit planning and scheduling of various tasks  involve establishing target goals for the work unit being supervised to meet the requirement of the organization. The planning should ensure that the work unit under his supervision contributes to the achievement of Organizational goal in the best manner. 
  • Carve out priorities of the task/work assigned :- As a efficient supervisor one need to first identify level of satisfaction of employees being supervised and when lack of positive energy surfaces, then take qualitative measures to meet the targets, and attempt to reduce  cost of services in some ways so as to offset the loss on product sale. 
  • Identifying the weaknesses:- One of the basic functions of the Supervisor  is to identify the weak areas which may cause production upsets,  in  consultation with his trusted team members from the employees to determine appropriate corrective activities. The supervisor is responsible for executing the tasks without interruption and therefore  he has  to oversee the activities at the level of individual employees as well as managing the set tasks at the work unit level also.  
  •  Developing the work team and assigning work : Since the supervisor determines the skills, knowledge and capabilities of the employees working under him he has to assign task to the most appropriate individual. When assigning work to employees, for each activities the supervisor needs to consider not only what each employee is capable of doing, but also what assignments will provide greater challenges and development to them which will be beneficial to the organization in the long run.
  • Implementing the work process : Achieving the target goals and objectives involve tracking the progress of work and  assignments given to the individual employees. The tracking process should truly reflect the work cycles within the work. Supervisors should develop their own method for tracking the progress that provides them with enough information to identify impediments detrimental to the task in hand and resolve them at the right time without overly burdensome to either themselves or to their employees. The impediments could arise in the form  lack of skills and lack of knowledge of the workers to understand the task, or short time available to complete tasks, or even extraneous factors  such as lack of coordination issues with other work units etc. Once everything is identified and settled the supervisor implement the program  to achieve its goals and objectives.
……….to be continued

About The Author


Retired Govt of India Official. My hobby is to write articles that range from Printing technologies to Spiritual.

Terabyte Vault

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