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Organization and Management-Project or Feasibility reports


 Organization and Management
Project or  Feasibility reports

(Written by  N. R.  Jayaraman)
In every Organization whenever new venture is taken up either inside the existing  campus or  building or in a separate  building  as expansion programme,  first project report or feasibility  reports on the proposed new  activities will be  compiled taking into consideration all aspects of work or activities  involved in it. 
Project reports communicate a project’s background, proposed  objectives, proposed methods used to achieve the objectives and the ultimate results of those efforts.  The reports may be generated either by any expert managerial person or personnel from  the Organization itself or got compiled  by specialist firms engaged in such tasks.  
For a running Organization compilation of the Project report involving  new machineries and equipments and connected activities may not be as difficult as new project since  much of the basic infrastructure facilities like building, water, electricity etc may be  already available and only man power augmentation or realigning the manpower from one  activity to another may have to be carefully studied. It does not  mean that the task will be easier one,  but when  compared  to the compilation of the reports for brand new Projects, the  task may be easier. 
Project reports are  highly  valuable  and sensitive documents that explain and summarize the nature of activities proposed to be performed with creation of various departments, machineries, equipments, building, infrastructure facilities, manpower requirements and conclusions including that of financial implications. Based on such  documents several rounds of meetings and consultations will be done, pros and cons analyzed and decisions taken.   Though the process of writing a final project report may seem daunting, with the right kind of approach, it needn’t be  so.  During compilation or simulation, the Report will be kept continuously updated or altered  with new or additional information or analysis.  Let us study the reporting requirements, deliverable etc concerning the setting up of a medium sized Organization with its general structure.
………..To be continued next week

About The Author


Retired Govt of India Official. My hobby is to write articles that range from Printing technologies to Spiritual.

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