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sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer placerat metus id orci facilisis, in luctus eros laoreet. Mauris interdum augue varius, faucibus massa id, imperdiet tortor. Donec vel tortor molestie, hendrerit sem a, hendrerit arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin varius eros eros, non condimentum nis.

Address: 890 Lorem Ipsum Street #12
San Francisco, California 65432

Phone: 123.4567.890

Business Hours: 8a-6:30p M-F, 9a-2p S-S

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Recent Developments in Printing – Series- 6

Recent Developmentsin Printing -  Series- 6Few years back in a Conference held in Hong Kong, I had opportunity to witness a unique authenticating system for the paper through a technique called fibre identification Technology, developed in recent decades which...


Recent Developments in Printing -  Series- 5  PROCESSFREE    PLATES   FOR   PRINTING (N.R. Jayaraman) In  1960s, as an improvement in the conventional Plate making technique in which the plates used to be...

Random Thoughts – 3

In order to reduce the waste percentage of the printed stocks it is necessary that simplified system is worked out to enable better feed backs between the presses and the paper mill to sort out the technical problems arising out of Paper during printing. It was often...

Random thoughts – 2

      Random thoughts : 2Combination NOSand SYMBOLS to deter Counterfeiting (Written by  N. R . Jayaraman) A new unique mechanism should be worked out to speed up the detection of forged notes from any corner of the country in few...

Recent Developments in Printing – 5

The Elastomer has become an important material for making flat Printing plates or Sleeves for engraving  in combination with the Photo Polymer component. The Elastomer  is the polymer constituent of natural rubber, which is made from the milky latex of...

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquam justo et nibh venenatis aliquet.

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