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sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer placerat metus id orci facilisis, in luctus eros laoreet. Mauris interdum augue varius, faucibus massa id, imperdiet tortor. Donec vel tortor molestie, hendrerit sem a, hendrerit arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin varius eros eros, non condimentum nis.

Address: 890 Lorem Ipsum Street #12
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Cadmop – 6

6Useful tips for better Supervision  Analyze with cool mind the important task  given to you.  First thoroughly understand what needs to be done to achieve the targeted goal and then you may workout deadlines for completing  such activities ...

Cadmop – 5

 5Reporting on employees  Reporting on employees  is different from reporting technical problems. Whenever a problem connected to workmen occurred, the Supervisor will have to first determine the seriousness of the situation and the appropriate response...

Cadmop – 4

4CommunicationCommunication is a key competency issue for supervisors. Communication means  conveying some message either verbally or in writing.  The Supervisors are responsible for communicating with every one within the organization in the manner...

Cadmop – 3

3 ......................functions of the Supervisor  Do not be a task master, always be a guide : - The role of a Supervisor is not that of the authoritarian taskmaster. Supervisors are expected to guide their employees and not to micro-manage every movement...

Cadmop – 2

2 Principles and Objectives of supervisionEvery Supervisor should have few objectives in mind while working . His objective should be not only to build a successful career for himself, but also  successfully implement the objectives of the organization. To guide...

Cadmop – 1

1 INTRODUCTION It is said by many a thousand times, 'your people are your greatest asset, and you need to develop them'. The immediate question will be how to develop them? Though  many   ways are available to develop personalities, yet in the industry, the...

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