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Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-V (Written by N. R. Jayaraman) Remember one important aspect in Project Reports now being discussed. All the Project Reports may not be same. They differ on subjects. What we are...
Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports -4
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-IV (Written by N. R. Jayaraman) Some of the topics which may be covered in the Project Report includes the following: Main Functional Heads for any Organization Based on...
Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports-3
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-III (Written by N. R. Jayaraman)Once the concept is fully discussed, understood and finalized, the preparation of the Project report commences. They will generally be in the...
Organization and Management – Project or Feasibility reports
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-II (Written by N. R. Jayaraman)As we discussed earlier, the Project report is of two types. (a) For expansion programme of the running Organisation. (b) Set up a new unit with all...
Organization and Management-Project or Feasibility reports
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reports(Written by N. R. Jayaraman)In every Organization whenever new venture is taken up either inside the existing campus or building or in a separate building as...
Enterprise Resource Planning – 5
ERP PART - V( Written by N. R. Jayaraman )The data entry which may be required to be entered in the data registers to generate the information as proposed in previous parts are shown below. The entries can be shortened or enlarged or modified...

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