Enterprise Resource Planning – 4
( Written by N. R. Jayaraman )
In addition to what has been said he following data may also be required. The ERP should be moduled accordingly.
1. Each stores procured by the units big or small are to be inserted into the inventory list and provided with a unique computerized code – required
2. Each item procured will have its history right from the beginning or from a cut off date accepted. – There will be no procurement related data for all assets procured before a cut-off date, but all existing assets will form a part of the Asset Register to be created in ERP.
3. History of Supply orders under process – All ongoing transactions which is procurement processes will form a part of the system
4. History of tenders including the current one underway will for a part of the system data
5. Stock level of stores
6. Optimum level permitted – Presuming that optimum/ minimum order level/ Order Quantity etc of inventory is being queried, the data will be present
7. Ordering level
8. Indication of danger level of the stocks/ items
9. Indication of optimum level or over stocking . If some material has been overstocked it may have to be indicated prominently in a different color in a box or blink of the box when opened.
10. ERP data will start procurement process starting from indents received
11. No of times a particular item has been drawn, by which dept and quantity drawn
12. Whether excess quantity has been drawn by any dept based on the average consumption over the last five years ?
13. Since how long a material remained not drawn- Give cut off period within which it should be drawn so that the tendency of the use of the stores can be assessed.
14. Material lying for disposal
15. Disposed items- complete list with their history
16. Disposal process underway-tenders, their status
17. Year wise Supply order no and date and quantity procured
18. Supposing you want to know the procurement of a particular item on a particular date, i.e say all the list of seals procured so far. It should show something like the following :
1. Each stores procured by the units big or small are to be inserted into the inventory list and provided with a unique computerized code – required
2. Each item procured will have its history right from the beginning or from a cut off date accepted. – There will be no procurement related data for all assets procured before a cut-off date, but all existing assets will form a part of the Asset Register to be created in ERP.
3. History of Supply orders under process – All ongoing transactions which is procurement processes will form a part of the system
4. History of tenders including the current one underway will for a part of the system data
5. Stock level of stores
6. Optimum level permitted – Presuming that optimum/ minimum order level/ Order Quantity etc of inventory is being queried, the data will be present
7. Ordering level
8. Indication of danger level of the stocks/ items
9. Indication of optimum level or over stocking . If some material has been overstocked it may have to be indicated prominently in a different color in a box or blink of the box when opened.
10. ERP data will start procurement process starting from indents received
11. No of times a particular item has been drawn, by which dept and quantity drawn
12. Whether excess quantity has been drawn by any dept based on the average consumption over the last five years ?
13. Since how long a material remained not drawn- Give cut off period within which it should be drawn so that the tendency of the use of the stores can be assessed.
14. Material lying for disposal
15. Disposed items- complete list with their history
16. Disposal process underway-tenders, their status
17. Year wise Supply order no and date and quantity procured
18. Supposing you want to know the procurement of a particular item on a particular date, i.e say all the list of seals procured so far. It should show something like the following :
- Set of seals 009456
- Set of seals 879456
- Set of seals 980
- Set of seals 378905
- Set of seals NDS 57
- Set of seals OD 37/ID 84
19. Okay what is the stock in hand and on order of the same item for different units. It should show something like the following:
Set of seals 879456
- Unit A:
- Stock: ……… on order…………
- Unit B:
- Stock: ……… on order…………
- Unit C:
- Stock: ……… on order…………
- Unit D
- Stock: ……… on order…………
20. On which machines the same set of seals say Set of seals OD 37/ID 84 are used? It should show something like the following :
- Letterpress Rotary 06734678
- Flexographic machine 98075
- Numerota 3678654
- Polar Cutting 40’’
21. The list of all the parts and quantity procured during one particular year. Example in 2000 the following were consumed:
- Set of seals 009456 — 76 Nos
- Set of seals 879456 — 7 Nos
- Set of seals 980 –50 Nos
- Set of seals 378905 — 20 Nos
- Bush 5621 — 6 Nos Universal joint — 2 Nos
22. Who were the suppliers of the set of seals of say X variety. List of firms and addresses.
What inputs will be required for each item? Will be discussed next.
………….To be continued.
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