Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports -4
Organization and Management
Project or Feasibility reports
(Written by N. R. Jayaraman)
Some of the topics which may be covered in the Project Report includes the following:

Main Functional Heads
for any Organization
Based on the standard duties existing everywhere
as shown below, the Project report will specify the designations and act to be performed by the proposed group of personnel as reflected in the report
1. Head – Administration : He is responsible for the overall control of the Organization including that of the plant and machineries and keeps communicating at various levels to ensure trouble free productive activities. He is responsible for maintaining industrial peace and harmony in addition to discipline and keep track of all actions taken to curb unlawful activities which may disturb plant climate thus affecting productivity.
2. Head – Finance and Accts : He is responsible for the overall control of the financial matters in the Organization and monitor all aspects of banking and other transactions including that of loans if any or fund raising etc. He keep track of the supply and receipt position visa-a-vise payments made and received. Responsible Cost Analysis, profit and loss accounts, budgeting and every aspect concerning finances such as payments and receipts, payments to staff and worker, payments to contractors etc. The functions are almost same in any Organization.
3. Head- Personnel : He is another crucial facilitator to ensure that the personnel in the Organization is utilized as efficiently as possible for productive activities. He is responsible for staff and workmen recruitment, imparting in-plant training schemes to staff and workmen, ensure deployment of employees for better efficiency, resolve disputes, by various means enhance the skills of staff and workmen, and contain discontents if any.
4. Head -Procurement : In any organization head of the procurement wing plays important and crucial role to ensure that quality raw material is procured on time to meet the production demand, procure cheaper material without scarifying quality aspects , search suitable alternative vendors to supply quality material at very competitive pricing, and standardize the procurement procedures in the most simplified manner so that even a newly joined cadre can easily perform his function in a smooth transition.
5. Head –Production: He is supposed to be technically knowledgeable in all process under his control, instrumental in ensuring targeted production and acts as that of a bridge between plant personnel and administration. His tact is responsible for smooth flow of production. Should be able to troubleshoot the problem, maintain inventory control of the departments under his control.
6. Head- Quality control : In many plants there may not be separate quality control department. The person responsible for production is supposed to control quality. However where a separate manager is positioned for quality control, his duties include the frequent checking and analysis of the materials used for production. He has to frequently check both the input material and the output product and ensure that there is no quality drift in the end product. He regularly interact with production department personnel. Based on his experience and inspection of output product, he may monitor specification changes wherever it is necessary.
7. Manager-Sales : He is another important cadre who will be responsible for the market survey for boosting the sales, analyze the sales trend, interact with production group to adjust production schedules to meet the market demand and supply , advise on pricing wherever necessary suggest new applications on their products, search new avenues for sales promotion etc. He is also responsible for dispatches in timely manner.
*In some of the Organizations which produce multiple products separate department with a head for dispatch is positioned whose duties and responsibilities will be to liaise effectively with that of Sales and productive divisional managers to ensure proper and orderly dispatches. The responsibilities of this person may be separately laid down based on the structural form of the Organization.
8. Supervisors, other staff and the workmen : Since the duties of the Supervisors, other staff and the workmen differs from Organization to Organization in view of the specialization required to man specific machineries and equipments, their strength, designation, duties and other responsibilities will be provided in the Project Report based on the kind of machineries and equipments suggested for purchase to meet the production activities. Designation wise duties will be usually indicated in the reports.
2. Head – Finance and Accts : He is responsible for the overall control of the financial matters in the Organization and monitor all aspects of banking and other transactions including that of loans if any or fund raising etc. He keep track of the supply and receipt position visa-a-vise payments made and received. Responsible Cost Analysis, profit and loss accounts, budgeting and every aspect concerning finances such as payments and receipts, payments to staff and worker, payments to contractors etc. The functions are almost same in any Organization.
3. Head- Personnel : He is another crucial facilitator to ensure that the personnel in the Organization is utilized as efficiently as possible for productive activities. He is responsible for staff and workmen recruitment, imparting in-plant training schemes to staff and workmen, ensure deployment of employees for better efficiency, resolve disputes, by various means enhance the skills of staff and workmen, and contain discontents if any.
4. Head -Procurement : In any organization head of the procurement wing plays important and crucial role to ensure that quality raw material is procured on time to meet the production demand, procure cheaper material without scarifying quality aspects , search suitable alternative vendors to supply quality material at very competitive pricing, and standardize the procurement procedures in the most simplified manner so that even a newly joined cadre can easily perform his function in a smooth transition.
5. Head –Production: He is supposed to be technically knowledgeable in all process under his control, instrumental in ensuring targeted production and acts as that of a bridge between plant personnel and administration. His tact is responsible for smooth flow of production. Should be able to troubleshoot the problem, maintain inventory control of the departments under his control.
6. Head- Quality control : In many plants there may not be separate quality control department. The person responsible for production is supposed to control quality. However where a separate manager is positioned for quality control, his duties include the frequent checking and analysis of the materials used for production. He has to frequently check both the input material and the output product and ensure that there is no quality drift in the end product. He regularly interact with production department personnel. Based on his experience and inspection of output product, he may monitor specification changes wherever it is necessary.
7. Manager-Sales : He is another important cadre who will be responsible for the market survey for boosting the sales, analyze the sales trend, interact with production group to adjust production schedules to meet the market demand and supply , advise on pricing wherever necessary suggest new applications on their products, search new avenues for sales promotion etc. He is also responsible for dispatches in timely manner.
*In some of the Organizations which produce multiple products separate department with a head for dispatch is positioned whose duties and responsibilities will be to liaise effectively with that of Sales and productive divisional managers to ensure proper and orderly dispatches. The responsibilities of this person may be separately laid down based on the structural form of the Organization.
8. Supervisors, other staff and the workmen : Since the duties of the Supervisors, other staff and the workmen differs from Organization to Organization in view of the specialization required to man specific machineries and equipments, their strength, designation, duties and other responsibilities will be provided in the Project Report based on the kind of machineries and equipments suggested for purchase to meet the production activities. Designation wise duties will be usually indicated in the reports.
……….To be continued
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