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Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports – 6


Organization and Management

Project or  Feasibility reports


(Written by  N. R.  Jayaraman)

How do the product rates are calculated and reflected in the reports?
Generally the following formula, which is an illustrative model is adapted. These may undergo some changes depending on the type and structure of Organizations.
Cost analysis- Fixing up the initial sales price by approximation method for the product However the actual costing will be done based on actual consumption later.
Cost Analysis

How do the machine hourly rates calculated and reflected ? Generally the following formula, which is an illustrative model per machine is adapted.

Machine Hourly rates  

The above calculation is only a suggestive figure for ex no of production targeted per day. However if the production goes up within the same stipulated hours the recovery period or break even point of the investment will fall down drastically by several years below 10 years anticipated. Depending upon the mass consumption products, and high sale value products the manufacturers may keep high margin of profit and recover the cost in less than 5 years.
One question may be asked. whether the low cost machineries and equipments will be worked out in the same manner and cost recovered in 10 years as suggested above? No the manufacturers keep high margin of profit and recover the cost in less than 5 years.

………To be continued

About The Author


Retired Govt of India Official. My hobby is to write articles that range from Printing technologies to Spiritual.

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