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Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports – 7

Organization and Management
Project or  Feasibility reports


(Written by  N. R.  Jayaraman)

One of the most important chapter in the Project Reports will be the activities chart. They will contain Capital expenditure, Recurring expenditure, Phased expenditure etc. The Project Report will also list out heading wise the complete and  important Raw material, chemicals, process materials and other small equipments and accessories needed for the Organisation. 
One other important chapter will be the man power to be positioned in each area, their designations, job descriptions, the phased manner in which they will be enrolled, their pay structure etc.  
The general format of the Project  / Feasibility Report for an Organization has been broadly discussed. The points given in the seven Chapters are only guiding notes.

– Concluded –

About The Author


Retired Govt of India Official. My hobby is to write articles that range from Printing technologies to Spiritual.

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