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Address: 890 Lorem Ipsum Street #12
San Francisco, California 65432
Phone: 123.4567.890
Business Hours: 8a-6:30p M-F, 9a-2p S-S
Welcome to My Blog
Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarWelcome to My Blog
Here is a basic blog layout with a right sidebarOrigin and growth of Bank Notes and Currencies – 1
ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF BANK NOTES AND CURRENCIES – 1 The birth and growth of Paper Currencies and Bank Notes stemmed from several facts spread across centuries. It will therefore be interesting to know how the Paper Currencies and Bank Notes world over came to be...
features of the special device for sequential numbering -2
One of the features of the special device for sequential numbering of sheets ENHANCING THE SECURITY OF THE BANK NOTES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS Of late concern has been raised over the menace of forged bank notes and currencies all over the world. In order to...

Patent For Device For Sequential Numbering Of Sheets
What a great day for me! After years of patience, my invention-Special Device for sequential numbering of sheets- a novel technique for the security printing has been granted Patent rights !! ABSTRACT OF THE NEWER TECHNIQUE TO ENHANCE THE SECURITY OF PRINTED...
Bench Marking
Bench Marking (Written by : N.R. Jayaraman)There are no standard bench marking procedures or parameters meant for the industries. However the bench marking is done by the firms themselves to improve their working by comparing their activities with other units whose...
Counterfeiting menace – 5
Counterfeiting menace on printed documentsWritten by : N.R. Jayaraman This article spread over to three or four parts discuss the nature of security features found on the security documents and other commercial documents of various kinds. ...
Counterfeiting menace – 4
Counterfeiting menace on printed documentsWritten by : N.R. Jayaraman This article spread over to three or four parts discuss the nature of security features found on the security documents and other commercial documents of various kinds. IVIn...

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