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Here is a basic blog layout with a right sidebarHow to cut down Organizational cost -3
How to cut down Organizational cost -3 – A Case Study-( Written by N.R. Jayaraman )The following was another proposal given. ...
How to cut down Organizational cost – 2
How to cut down Organizational cost - 2 – A Case Study-( Written by N.R. Jayaraman )See below an example to understand how the activities were analyzed since it was seen that a work may involve several steps or activities and can be completed in combination...
How to cut down Organizational cost – 1
How to cut down Organizational cost – A Case Study-( Written by N.R. Jayaraman )A study was undertaken for a unit which was manufacturing machineries and equipments using approximately 1000 parts/ components, some of which were procured by outsourcing them...
Expression Of Interest and Request For Proposal
Procurement Action - Some processes(Written by N. R. Jayaraman)Different methods of procurement process is adapted for the procurement of goods, machineries and equipments. It will be difficult to state which of the processes will be the best since the tendering...
Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports – 7
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-VII (Written by N. R. Jayaraman)One of the most important chapter in the Project Reports will be the activities chart. They will contain Capital expenditure, Recurring expenditure, Phased...
Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports – 6
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-VI (Written by N. R. Jayaraman) How do the product rates are calculated and reflected in the reports? Generally the following formula, which is an illustrative model is adapted. These may...

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