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Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarHow to cut down Organizational cost -3
How to cut down Organizational cost -3 – A Case Study-( Written by N.R. Jayaraman )The following was another proposal given. ...
How to cut down Organizational cost – 2
How to cut down Organizational cost - 2 – A Case Study-( Written by N.R. Jayaraman )See below an example to understand how the activities were analyzed since it was seen that a work may involve several steps or activities and can be completed in combination...
How to cut down Organizational cost – 1
How to cut down Organizational cost – A Case Study-( Written by N.R. Jayaraman )A study was undertaken for a unit which was manufacturing machineries and equipments using approximately 1000 parts/ components, some of which were procured by outsourcing them...
Expression Of Interest and Request For Proposal
Procurement Action - Some processes(Written by N. R. Jayaraman)Different methods of procurement process is adapted for the procurement of goods, machineries and equipments. It will be difficult to state which of the processes will be the best since the tendering...
Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports – 7
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-VII (Written by N. R. Jayaraman)One of the most important chapter in the Project Reports will be the activities chart. They will contain Capital expenditure, Recurring expenditure, Phased...
Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports – 6
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-VI (Written by N. R. Jayaraman) How do the product rates are calculated and reflected in the reports? Generally the following formula, which is an illustrative model is adapted. These may...
Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports -5
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-V (Written by N. R. Jayaraman) Remember one important aspect in Project Reports now being discussed. All the Project Reports may not be same. They differ on subjects. What we are...
Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports -4
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-IV (Written by N. R. Jayaraman) Some of the topics which may be covered in the Project Report includes the following: Main Functional Heads for any Organization Based on...
Organization and Management Project or Feasibility reports-3
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-III (Written by N. R. Jayaraman)Once the concept is fully discussed, understood and finalized, the preparation of the Project report commences. They will generally be in the...
Organization and Management – Project or Feasibility reports
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reportsPart-II (Written by N. R. Jayaraman)As we discussed earlier, the Project report is of two types. (a) For expansion programme of the running Organisation. (b) Set up a new unit with all...
Organization and Management-Project or Feasibility reports
Organization and ManagementProject or Feasibility reports(Written by N. R. Jayaraman)In every Organization whenever new venture is taken up either inside the existing campus or building or in a separate building as...
Enterprise Resource Planning – 5
ERP PART - V( Written by N. R. Jayaraman )The data entry which may be required to be entered in the data registers to generate the information as proposed in previous parts are shown below. The entries can be shortened or enlarged or modified...
Enterprise Resource Planning – 4
ERP PART - IV( Written by N. R. Jayaraman ) In addition to what has been said he following data may also be required. The ERP should be moduled accordingly.1. Each stores procured by the units big or small are to be inserted into the...
Enterprise Resource Planning – 3
ERP PART - III( Written by N. R. Jayaraman )Stage- 3 Thus once the data base has been created for all the items in the above manner the first part of ERP is ready for further programming. Once the data entry is completed suitable software...
Enterprise Resource Planning – 2
ERP PART - II( Written by N. R. Jayaraman )Now a simplest Coding system has been worked out. Unlike previous system of listing the material division wise, then section wise and then group wise, an alternate simple system can be adapted as...
Enterprise Resource Planning
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for Material inventory control( Written by N. R. Jayaraman )PART - IThe ERP called Enterprise Resource Planning is one of the very useful tools in many organizations to integrate external as well as...
IMPORT/ EXPORT CONTRACTS INCOTERMS ( Written by N. R. Jayaraman) Every Supply order or Contract placed for the supply or import of Goods is covered by certain conditions vide the contracts. One of the conditions that govern the terms of supply is the...
Print Inspection systems
Print Inspection systems (Written by N.R. Jayaraman )Multi color printing for high value brand products and any other printed material inbuilt with elements of designs with some security features call for defect free printing. Print material such as International...
Welcome to My Blog
Here is a basic blog layout with a right sidebarIndia’s Burma Currencies
India’s Burma Currency NotesWritten by: N.R. Jayaraman : Pre Script : Recently I was approached by a Bank Official, Mr. Taut kwat of Myanmar seeking certain clarification on India’s Currencies used in Burma. He wrote:Quote: “…….I live in Yangon, Myanmar. I am working...
Disastrous effect of Recycled paper – An interesting case study
Written by: N.R. Jayaraman Decades back, few of the most high profile printing units in Asia engaged in the art of printing high value security documents faced a unique problem of lint /fluff problem over the printed sheets which left several voids (white spots) to...
All about printing papers …..3
All about printing papers ..... -3- Written by: N.R. Jayaraman Properties of paper Some of the most important parameters that determine the good quality of paper are: The thickness and weight of the paper...
All about printing papers …..2
All about printing papers ..... -2- Written by: N.R. Jayaraman Important processes in the manufacture of paper While the fundamental process of paper making remains same for all varieties of paper...
All about printing papers ….. 1
All about printing papers ..... -1- Written by: N.R. Jayaraman During the process of printing technical problems like void on print, fluffing, set off and elongation leading to mis-register etc surfaces and haunt the...
Effects of altering sequences of printing
The colour sequence to be followed during printing plays an important role in the reproduction of the original. In conventional printing whether Offset or Letterpress, four different coloured inks are printed on top of each other in a specific sequence to obtain...

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