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sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer placerat metus id orci facilisis, in luctus eros laoreet. Mauris interdum augue varius, faucibus massa id, imperdiet tortor. Donec vel tortor molestie, hendrerit sem a, hendrerit arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin varius eros eros, non condimentum nis.
Address: 890 Lorem Ipsum Street #12
San Francisco, California 65432
Phone: 123.4567.890
Business Hours: 8a-6:30p M-F, 9a-2p S-S
Welcome to My Blog
Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarAlphabet- S/2
8. Screen Printing : One of the printing process in which the inks are squeezed through a screen to form the image. The screen is also called the stencil. The ink is forced through the mesh screen opening by rubbing it with a hand held squeeze in the hand operated...
Alphabet- S
1. Saddle Stitch: When a book is bound, it is fastened in multiple ways. One of the processes involve the stitching of the back edge of the book either with thread or steel wires. Fastening the back edge fold of the book (Spine) with steel wire through the machine is...
Alphabet- R /4
18. Reflection Copy: A design with elements of text, images and other artistic work has to be photographed to make printing plates. Some of those meant for reproduction will be opaque objects and some may be transparent. While processing the opaque objects, when the...
Alphabet- R /3
12. Rosin : Rosin a translucent chemical substance used as sizing material in paper making process. It is used for internal sizing of the paper and act as filler between fibers. Rosin will help the paper surface resist water and liquids. However too much of Rosin...
Alphabet R /2
8. Reprography : The term Reprography is a wide term that covers various processes including small Offset printing machines like Rota Print, Autolith, Multilith etc (Not bigger machines). Reprography in real sense means duplication of documents. They include written...
Alphabet R
1. Ream: A term that denotes 500 sheets. The Paper supplied by every mill will be in lots of 500 sheets or 20 quires of 25 sheets each of the same quality, and same size of the paper totaling to 500. This 500 is the unit measurement called a Ream of paper. The...
Alphabet- Q
1. Quality : It is a subjective term relating to expectations of the customer on the print job given by him. The level of expectation may vary between the Customer and the Printer, but when some one says ‘I need Quality job’, he expects the finished job to be on par...
Alphabet – P / 6
26. Pica : Pica is the unit of measure in the process of hand composing . One inch is equal to 72 Points and a Pica is 1/6th of an inch i.e approximately 0.166 in. Therefore are 12 points make one Pica. 27. Photo chromic ink : Photo Chromic ink changes its color...
Alphabet – P /5
22. Pre-sensitized Plate: The printing plates or the Offset Printing are made by exposing the plates with Negatives or Positives. In order to form the images from the negatives or the positives, the plates will have to be coated with some light sensitive material,...
Alphabet -P /4
17. Progressive Proofs: In multi color printing, prior to printing, as pre-press exercise, the colour proofs of each colour will be taken with the same color inks (as single up image ) which will be used in the final printing. The prints will be taken both separately...
Alphabet -P /3
13. Perf Marks: The dotted print Marks usually seen at edges where perforations should occur is called the Perf Mark or Perforating mark . Read more under Perforation below. 14. Perforation: The process of piercing small continuous holes in binding stage to facilitate...
Alphabet -P /2
7. Page proof: Every printed material whether book, circular, pamphlet, leaflet or any other print material will have some text material or some images. The first task of book printing is to compose the text material or the manuscripts into a printable format. Once...
Alphabet – P
1. Paper Plate : A special type of paper based printing plate with a laminated back, meant for use on small Offset Printing machines. Once very popular for small Offset machines like Romayor, Rota print, Swift, and Adast Offset machines, their usage is gradually...
Alphabet- O /2
Oxidation: Oxidation is one of the chemical reaction in which certain chemicals react with the Oxygen content in the air and polymerizes or changes their physical and chemical properties. In the process of drying of the inks, one of the processes used for the drying...
Alphabet – O
1. Overrun: - Production of print copies more than the ordered quantity is called Over run. This may occur due to inadvertent error in judgment of the printer expecting reprint order, or over printed by mistake due to technical fault on the machine. The printing of...
Alphabet- N /2
7. Numbering : The process of printing numerals on a print material by a set of boxes or a single box that contains numbering wheels is called numbering. Numbering is a wide term but in printing what is referred to as numbering is the printing of numbering on...
Alphabet -N
1. Nested : Keeping the Signature marks remain hiding, the sections of the books are assembled in the proper sequence for binding is called Nesting in binding process. This is also called nested. The signature mark is a letter, number or combination of either or...
Alphabet – M/3
17. MICR and Magnetic ink : MICR denotes Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. The numerals printed by this technique is of special designs and character and are used by the banking industry to facilitate the processing of the cheques and other such documents which...
Welcome to My Blog
Here is a basic blog layout with a right sidebarTwo interesting news on currencies
Read below two interesting news on Currencies and Bank Notes as published by two leading National Daily News Papers Vegans, religious groups protest use of tallow to produce ‘longer lasting’ currency A new £5 note issued by the Bank of England has...
Low Migration Inks (LMI)
Unique Security feature in Digital Printing
(Written by N.R. Jayaraman) For the first time in the world of Digital printing, we were amazed to hear that sometime in the year 2010 or so, a not easy to reproduce security feature, printable by Digital printing has been developed by the pioneers in the field...
Inkless and erasable ink technologies
Inkless and erasable ink technologies (Written by N.R. Jayaraman) Printing technology has moved far away from the conventional system of inking the plates or blocks for printing the images on paper. The conventional method of printing has extended its wings to Digital...

The difference between commercial and Security printing
The difference between commercial and Security printing Though one refers the printing processes as Letterpress, Offset, Gravure, Intaglio, Screen printing, Flexo printing and latest as the Digital printing, the term Security printing process is not one amongst the...
What a printer should know about ink ?
(Written by N.R. Jayaraman) ORIGIN OF INKS Do you know the root of present day printing Ink ? When the era of displaying something in writing began, in 2500 BC some kind of writing inks were prepared in Egypt and China by mixing soot (material drawn out from...

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