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sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer placerat metus id orci facilisis, in luctus eros laoreet. Mauris interdum augue varius, faucibus massa id, imperdiet tortor. Donec vel tortor molestie, hendrerit sem a, hendrerit arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin varius eros eros, non condimentum nis.

Address: 890 Lorem Ipsum Street #12
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Business Hours: 8a-6:30p M-F, 9a-2p S-S

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Alphabet – M /2

10. Mark-Up copy: The instructions usually written on the manuscript ( model version of each section of the printed material ) to guide type setting process and the compositor is called 'mark up copy'. These instructions would indicate the type face, point size,...

Alphabet- M

1. Make ready: All the activities like setting the machine feeder, positioning the plates/ blocks with text matter, readying blankets (in offset and Intaglio), inking, loading the paper, registering the images on paper, setting appropriate colours etc which are...

Alphabet L / 3

17. Linter pulp : This refers to ready made Cotton pulp sheets and pulp cakes prepared from trimmings and other processed waste paper  for making hand made paper and other good quality paper.  The Linter pulp is the mixture of short or rejected cotton fibers from the...

Alphabet – L/2

10.Letterpress : The process where in the prints are taken from relief surface of blocks or plates. This is one of the oldest processes in the four basic processes of printing. The plates used for printing by Letterpress process will have the image areas in relief....

Alphabet – L

1. Laminate : A thin film of plastic material pressed on to another stock like Kraft paper to give glossy effect and to add strength. Besides the said use, the lamination is also done on to thick stocks of printed material which are often handled. It protects them...

Alphabet- K

  1. Kiss Impression : A delicate printed impression,  but print sufficient enough to be seen. This term is attributed more while printing thin paper in which, the impression from the back side should not be visible on the back side, which otherwise will mar the...

Alphabet – J /2

Justification: The text will look better when justified. The alignment of text to the right  and  left margins is called justification. Setting the body of text in such a manner that the composed matter will be equal in width in every line. Every line of the text...

Alphabet- J

1. Job No: A simple number assigned to a specific printing work in a printing firm to track the progress of the work. This will also be required for future references and therefore part of the record keeping process. 2. Job Ticket : The Job tickets contains the actual...

Alphabet -I/2

1. Interleaves or interleaving : Inserting a sheet in between  two printed sheets is called interleaving. In the traditional printing, especially when the art paper or coated paper was printed, slightly absorbent papers called interleaving papers used to be inserted...

Alphabet- I

1. Image Area: Every sheet will have some areas where the images and other texts will be printed. The image will be surrounded by white margins all around. The sheet where the images and texts are to be printed is termed the image area. Similarly the printing plate...

Alphabet- H

1. Halftone: Every photograph, whether   black and white or in colour will virtually have unlimited range of shades of grays, or other colour hues starting from white to dark greys  or very light colour hues  to darkest hues (color) merging into the neighboring areas...

Alphabet G /2

10. Graphic Arts Film : Some kind of plastic substrate base film on whose surface some kind of  photographic sensitive material remains coated. These films are meant  to make negatives or positives suitable for  printing press. The emulsion coated on these films yield...

Alphabet- G

 1. Gang Runs: Where the print runs , colors and also the sizes are same, they are clubbed in one layout  and printed in order to utilize the machine effectively and to reduce wastage of paper. This is called gang run. On completion of printing the sheets are trimmed...

Alphabet- F /2

10. Finished Size : Ultimate size of print that will be delivered to the customer  after production is completed.  In 90 % of the cases the printed paper is trimmed to the correct size after the printing is completed. However in some cases, the exact trimmed paper...

Alphabet – F

1. Foil: A thin film made of metallic, plastic or other similar material which will be used like ink in  foil embossing and foil stamping. The foil also comes printed with several designs. They are also used by food packaging industries. Read more under foil stamping...

Alphabet- E/2

Estimating- An Model exercise A model estimate is shown below. The pattern may change from press to press to include or exclude certain factors as the in-house processing techniques may differ from press to press. Generally the presses follow the  pattern given below...


1. Emboss : Read under debossing. 2. Emulsion : Though there are two types of emulsions referred, when some one refers to emulsion, it is meant to be for the photographic films or photographic papers. The emulsion is a chemical coating material   spread on a gelatin...

Alphabet – D/3

16.Dandy Roll: A dandy roll is a light roller made of a fine metal mesh fixed on the paper making machines that can affix a watermark onto the sheet besides smoothing the surface. The dandy roll woven with raised image carry a design, which will create the watermark...

Welcome to My Blog

Here is a basic blog layout with a right sidebar

Calculating the Paper requirement

(Written by : N.R. Jayaraman)One of the printing students sought my guidance on how to calculate the requirement of paper for printing the books. Therefore with a view to guide the students in general a model illustrative workout has been given below. Several factors...

One rupee note – Coin or Currency?

Some curious facts have emerged on One rupee Paper Currency issued by the Govt of India. Money in the form of Currency or Coin for issue and circulation is wholly managed by the Reserve Bank of India. Though the metallic Coins are minted by the Govt, the Currencies...

Chronicle of Money in India

Chronicle of  Money in India ....Barter, Metallic coins, Leather currencies to Paper currencies....(Extract from the lecture given by : N.R. Jayaraman)1) Money medium of payment consists of coins, paper money and withdrawal documents. A Banknote or Currency...

D G P : Direct to Garment Printer

In the field of Digital printing, Epson America, inc, a leading manufacturer in the printer, scanners, professional imaging, projectors, system devices etc from U.S has gone a step ahead over others by inventing Direct to Garment Printer (DGP), with next generation...

Counterfeit Currency Reports and FIU

Counterfeit Currency Reports and Financial Intelligence Unit(Written by N.R. Jayaraman) There is growing concern on the issue of fake money in circulation not only in India, but also around the world. In spite of concentrated efforts made...

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