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sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer placerat metus id orci facilisis, in luctus eros laoreet. Mauris interdum augue varius, faucibus massa id, imperdiet tortor. Donec vel tortor molestie, hendrerit sem a, hendrerit arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin varius eros eros, non condimentum nis.
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Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarOmron- anti copying feature
In around two decades back the arrival of colour copiers into the market sent panic waves into the minds of the issuing authorities of Currencies and Bank Notes as the scope of counterfeiting of currencies not only increased but also made simpler the task of...
One rupee currency notes
One rupee currency notes are set to make a comeback after two decades,although in a different colour( News Courtesy : The Times of India dated 27th December, 2014) NEW DELHI: One rupee currency notes are set to make a comeback after two decades, although in a...
Polymer Substrate for Bank Notes
Polymer Substrate in place of Paper substrate for Bank Notes and Currencies (Written by : N.R. Jayaraman)In the last two decades the Central Banks across the globe that issue Bank Notes and Currencies have started thinking of replacing the 100 % cotton based...
Tamper Evident Labels
Tamper Evident Labels (TEL) Written by: N.R. JayaramanAll over the world the use of tamper evident labels is gaining momentum for safeguarding their products. Though the use of such labels does not fully end the attempts to forge the products or counterfeiting,...
CO 2- Dry Ice Blasting Technology
DIB - Dry Ice Blasting Technology Written by : N.R. Jayaraman The latest development in printing is the adaption of Dry Ice Blasting technology known as DIB for cleaning the printing machines using CO2. The cleaning process by DIB enhances the life...
Naginels ® – New Anti counterfeiting feature
New Anti counterfeiting feature -NAGINELS®Technology(Non Aggressive Glass Internal Engraving Laser System)(Written by N. R. Jayaraman)One more anti counterfeiting measure that has been developed in the recent decade is Naginels®, a patented technology working on...
Interesting security features
Interesting security feature - an analysis Written by : N.R. JayaramanOne of the security features something like simple dots in circle found on some of the currencies is quite interesting to study as they contain hidden security feature. The feature is such...
Cryptoglyph™, the emerging new Security feature
Cryptoglyph™, the emerging new Security feature for BrandProtection and enhancing security of documentsWritten by: N.R. JayaramanSeveral security features are in the offing to protect the documents and other consumable products against counterfeiting. The purpose of...
Communication to Postal service to Stamps & Stationery
Communication to Postal service to Postal Stamps and Postal Stationery(Written by: N.R. Jayaraman) 1) At the outset let us understand how the oral and other means of communication led to the birth of the Postal system, which in the next few decades led to...
From hand composing to Photo composing
From hand composing to Photo composing(Written by: N.R. Jayaraman) It will be interesting to read the origin of typesetting which has now culminated into Photo composing and Digital printing. Around 600 to 700 years back there were no typefaces to print. The...
The Origin and Evolution of Intaglio Printing
The origin and Evolution of Intaglio Printing (Written by: N.R. Jayaraman)1) The earliest art of Engraving began when Goldsmiths engraved designs on metallic jewellery as part of their craft and kept the print from the engraved designs on piece of paper for...
Recent Developments in Printing : Series- 7
: SQRC Code : The most secured latest technology marker ( Written by : N.R. Jayaraman ) Recently I came across one of the latest technology in the security marking on print medium. The SQRC is quite interesting and reproduced...
Recent Developments in Printing – Series- 6
Recent Developmentsin Printing - Series- 6Few years back in a Conference held in Hong Kong, I had opportunity to witness a unique authenticating system for the paper through a technique called fibre identification Technology, developed in recent decades which...
Recent Developments in Printing - Series- 5 PROCESSFREE PLATES FOR PRINTING (N.R. Jayaraman) In 1960s, as an improvement in the conventional Plate making technique in which the plates used to be...
Random Thoughts – 3
In order to reduce the waste percentage of the printed stocks it is necessary that simplified system is worked out to enable better feed backs between the presses and the paper mill to sort out the technical problems arising out of Paper during printing. It was often...
Random thoughts – 2
Random thoughts : 2Combination NOSand SYMBOLS to deter Counterfeiting (Written by N. R . Jayaraman) A new unique mechanism should be worked out to speed up the detection of forged notes from any corner of the country in few...
Graphic Arts Research, Machinery development and Training Institute
Graphic Arts Research, Machinery development and Training Institute (GARMTI) A feasibility report forgotten, but worth studying(Written by N.R. Jayaraman) PreambleWhen there was threshold of industrial revolution in India in mid 70s, the Government...
Recent Developments in Printing – 5
The Elastomer has become an important material for making flat Printing plates or Sleeves for engraving in combination with the Photo Polymer component. The Elastomer is the polymer constituent of natural rubber, which is made from the milky latex of...
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Guide to Printing Students- 20
Guide to printing students -Few objective Questions and answers- Written by : N.R. Jayaraman Pre note:- The articles are meant to help the students gain knowledge and effectively compete in the interviews and nothing else. Please note that these are not to be...

Guide to Printing Students – 21
Guide to printing students -Few objective Questions and answers- Written by : N.R. Jayaraman Pre note:- The articles are meant to help the students gain knowledge and effectively compete in the interviews and nothing else. Please note that these are not to be...

Guide to Printing Students- 19
Guide to printing students -Few objective Questions and answers- Written by : N.R. Jayaraman Pre note:- The articles are meant to help the students gain knowledge and effectively compete in the interviews and nothing else. Please note that these are not to be...

Guide to printing students -18
Guide to printing students -Few objective Questions and answers- Written by : N.R. Jayaraman Pre note:- The articles are meant to help the students gain knowledge and effectively compete in the interviews and nothing else. Please note that these are not to be...

Guide to printing students-17
Guide to printing students -Few objective Questions and answers- Written by : N.R. Jayaraman Pre note:- The articles are meant to help the students gain knowledge and effectively compete in the interviews and nothing else. Please note that these are not to be...

Guide to printing students-15
Guide to printing students -Few objective Questions and answers- Written by : N.R. Jayaraman Pre note:- The articles are meant to help the students gain knowledge and effectively compete in the interviews and nothing else. Please note that these are not to be...

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